The Use of Tape for Sports Injuries and Rehabilitation

There are several types of taping that can be used, including rigid tape, elastic tape and kinesiology tape, for a range of benefits. These possible benefits include things such as pain relief, assistance with posture and biomechanics, increasing the stability of a joint to potentially reduce the likelihood of reinjuring an area (such as rolling your ankle), as well as increasing confidence, facilitating or inhibiting muscles and assisting with swelling. Tapes can be used in a variety of ways to achieve the above effects depending on your condition or sport.yyyyy | StudioXPhys

Most commonly used in rigid taping. This is the tape you often see athletes use for injuries such as shoulder or knees with football players. Kinesiology tape or k-tape is often seen as the colourful tape that athletes may wear and is often used for facilitating muscles we want to work while inhibiting other muscle groups.zzzzz | StudioXPhys

There are several reasons to avoid tape in some situations. People with allergies to tape or hypersensitive skin can have a rash form under the tape, people with circulatory or sensation problems should also avoid some methods of tape due to not being able to identify if the tape is too tight or causing a reaction. Tape should be applied by someone with the knowledge of correct taping techniques to minimise any risks of irritation or reactions.

Overall taping is a great alternative to using a large brace, particularly in the acute stages of an injury such as flare ups of lower back pain or ligament tears such as in the ankle or knee, a great way to help train or prevent different muscle groups to aid in improving technique and biomechanics or for relieving pain while performing activities that may usually cause you discomfort.


