What is a Leg Length Discrepancy?

06 26 2016 LegLengthDiscrepancy

What is a leg length discrepancy? A limb length discrepancy is a common condition with either a structural (true bony length difference) or a functional deformity. A functional deformity can be from abnormal or altered mechanics of the hip. knee, ankle, or foot. (Khamis et al., 2018). This can result in the appearance of a […]

Headache: What Causes it and What Can We Do About it?

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Headaches can be very debilitating and have a huge impact on your quality of life. Many headaches originate in the neck. These are called cervicogenic headaches. They are a result of dysfunction within the top three vertebral segments of the spine. They are also associated with poor activity in the deepest muscles of the neck […]

Shoulder Pain – Causes and How to Relieve it

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Shoulder Pain & Subacromial Pain Syndrome The shoulder joint is the most mobile joint in the human body and is formed by the humerus (upper arm bone) that fits into the groove of the shoulder blade like a ball and socket. Sometimes after repetitive overhead activity or activity loads that the shoulder is unaccustomed to, […]