Understanding the NDIS

Understanding the NDIS | StudioXPhys Physio Hope Island, Mudgeeraba

What is the NDIS?

The National disability insurance scheme is an independent agency designed to assist individuals who have a disability. Its main aim is to connect those eligible with resources and contacts in their local community that will allow them to reach their goals and receive the help they require.

Who is eligible for NDIS?

To determine eligibility, you can access the NDIS website and click on the link. This first step does not ultimately grant you access but rather the final decision is determined by the NDIA (National Disability Insurance Agency). See the link below. https://www.ndis.gov.au/understanding/how-ndis-works

How do I apply?

If you meet the eligibility criteria, you can do the following:

  • call us on 1800 800 110 and ask to make an Access Request
  • complete and submit the Access Request Form and send by email to NAT@ndis.gov.au or
  • contact your local LAC or NDIA office. call us on 1800 800 110 and ask to make an Access Request.


What is an NDIS plan and service agreement?

At some point, you will be guided by a LAC (local area coordinator) who will help you or your family member come up with a list of goals and desired outcomes known as a plan. This plan will contain the information required: the start date of the plan, a list of goals (mentioned earlier), allocated funds for different services, and contact information for your LAC and the participant.

A service agreement is a contract that is done with the participant and health professional. In the document you will find:

  • what supports are being provided
  • the cost of the supports
  • responsibilities of your provider
  • your responsibilities
  • how long the agreement goes for and how it can be changed
  • dispute resolution process.

How does NDIS funding work?

There are three types of support budgets that may be funded in your NDIS plan:

  • Core Supports budget
  • Capacity Building Supports budget
  • Capital Supports budget

Core Supports help you with everyday activities, your current disability-related needs and to work towards your goals.

Capacity Building Supports help build your independence and skills to help you pursue your goals. Unlike your Core Supports budget, your Capacity Building Supports budget cannot be moved from one support category to another.

Capital Supports include higher-cost pieces of assistive technology, equipment, and home or vehicle modifications, and funding for one-off purchases you may need (including Specialist Disability Accommodation).

Another thing to understand is the way in which your plan is being managed. There are 3 different ways your plan can be managed:

  • NDIS/Portal managed
  • Intermediary Managed
  • Self-managed

The first two options will have a standard price that providers will charge based on the cost of services found on the NDIS price guide list. Those who self-manage their plans will be charged based on the standard price of the practice in which the provider works. Often these prices are different and can be something to consider when budgeting your funds over the time frame of your plan.

We understand that this can be a lot of information to take in. Therefore, here at StudioXphys we do our best to stay up to date with the latest information to ensure a smooth transition and greater alliance.
