Can Hydrotherapy Help With Weight Loss?

Can Hydrotherapy Help With Weight Loss? | StudioXPhys Physio Hope Island, Mudgeeraba

Have you heard about Hydrotherapy and wondered if it’s effective for weight loss? The therapy has been used medicinally for hundreds of years, proving its ability to aid in reducing pain. But with hydrotherapy becoming more popular in both medical practices and training gyms, it’s gaining more traction as a weight loss exercise as well.
This article explains the benefits of hydrotherapy on weight loss and NDIS hydrotherapy. For personalised advice, feel free to contact our friendly and helpful team at Studio X Phys Physio in Mudgeeraba or our Physiotherapy center in Hope Island today.


What is Hydrotherapy?

Land-based exercises tend to be hard on joints and the body overall. For those who are new to exercise, experiencing pain,  are overweight or have mobility issues (NDIS hydrotherapy), land-based exercises can be especially tough and high-impact. Finding a hydrotherapy pool gold coast, which is a low-impact calorie burning exercise, has become increasingly popular over the years as an alternative treatment for many medical conditions. In turn, it has shown itself to be an excellent candidate for those looking to lose weight.


How Does Hydrotherapy Help With Weight Loss?

Hydrotherapy helps users achieve the feeling of weightlessness. With this feeling comes improved mobility and reduced pain when exercising, helping to increase time spent exercising. Additionally, working out in water can make exercise more enjoyable. Hydrotherapy assists with weight loss by:

  • Burning more calories than land-based exercises due to the addition of water 
  • Increasing range of motion and muscle strength, using the water as resistance to build muscle which then burns more calories while at rest 
  • Increasing endurance by allowing a longer workout due to the low impact of the exercise 
  • Reducing stress that can be caused by other forms of exercise, or by day-to-day stressors which increase cortisol levels, leading to increased body fat 
  • Fighting insomnia and combating sleep issues, helping to sleep better at night by lowering body temperature which promotes a good night’s rest 
  • Detoxifying the body by inducing sweat to eliminate toxins and impurities, leading to a healthier body and healthier mind 
  • Enhancing the immune system by improving circulation which promotes blood flow and fights off illnesses 
  • Reducing inflammation, helping to relax muscles with warmer water

Overall, hydrotherapy is an excellent choice for those looking to lose weight, as it helps in increasing muscle strength and endurance and decreasing stress and inflammation.


The Benefits of Hydrotherapy for NDIS Participants

For NDIS patients, finding a hydrotherapy pool gold coast offers numerous advantages.

Improved Mobility

One of the primary benefits of hydrotherapy is enhanced mobility. The buoyancy of the water reduces the impact on joints, making it easier for individuals with disabilities to move and exercise.

Pain Management

Hydrotherapy pools for NDIS patients can be an effective pain management tool. The warm water and gentle exercises can alleviate pain and discomfort associated with certain disabilities.

Enhancing Mental Health

Engaging in NDIS hydrotherapy can also have a positive impact on mental health. It can reduce stress and anxiety while improving mood and promoting relaxation.


How is Hydrotherapy Different to Swimming Laps?

Hydrotherapy involves the completion of tailored exercises in the water and is different to simply swimming laps. The exercises may include support from specialised aids like weights, boards & other helpful tools. You may even use the classic pool ‘noodle’ during your exercises! Our participants often say it’s better than traditional exercise physiology due to group participation.

During your hydrotherapy session, your instructor will guide you through a series of exercises, activities and tasks designed to help you meet your fitness, recovery or lifestyle goals. If swimming laps is your goal, then hydrotherapy can help you build up the aerobic fitness and strength you need to achieve it. Both swimming laps and hydrotherapy may support weight loss, however, hydrotherapy offers a more personalised approach.


Book a Hydrotherapy Appointment

If you’re looking to lose weight with the help of hydrotherapy or looking for NDIS hydrotherapy, our hydrotherapy pools in gold coast are located in our Mudgeeraba Physiotherapy clinic and our Hope Island Physio clinic. We hope this article has been useful for you. With over 100 years of combined experience, the team at Studio X Phys serves the Gold Coast region with locations in Mudgeeraba (physio, exercise physiology, hydrotherapy, podiatry, massage & more) and Hope Island (physio, exercise physiology, hydrotherapy, podiatry, massage & more). We hold our hydrotherapy classes in a state of the art hydrotherapy pool warmed to between 30 and 34 degrees Celsius, a comfortably warm temperature which will help with relaxation.

To book a class or individual session, give us a call on (07) 5522 9577 or book online
