Exercise Physiology {city}

Just like your doctor prescribes medication, Exercise Physiologists prescribe Exercise & Movement to treat chronic conditions

Helping women feel confident and in control of their body by reducing pain and improving muscle control and movement.

*Available at Mudgeeraba and Hope Island

Gold Coast's Most Trusted Physiotherapy Clinic


StudioXPhys Physio Mudgeeraba & Hope Island

Your Journey To Wellness in {city} Starts Here

Exercise Physiology Testimonials

Exercise Physiology Made Easy

free-assesment-icon | StudioXPhys Physio Hope Island, Mudgeeraba

1. Free

The first step is always a comprehensive Free Phone assessment to review your situation. We’ll work to uncover what contributes to your pain, and we’ll talk about your healing goals.

Physiotherapy | StudioXPhys Physio Hope Island, Mudgeeraba
Physiotherapy | StudioXPhys Physio Hope Island, Mudgeeraba
your-recovery-plan-icon | StudioXPhys Physio Hope Island, Mudgeeraba

2. Your recovery

We’ll discuss a plan to get you back to your life pain-free. I’ll outline how long your recovery treatment is likely to be, and how much time you’ll need for exercising to speed your healing.
Enjoy your active life again | StudioXPhys Physio Hope Island, Mudgeeraba

3. Enjoy your active life again

A maintenance program keeps you from reinjuring yourself and keeps you pain-free for life! There is no risk to you with our money back guarantee.

How Exercise Physiology Can Help You

Musculoskeletal Injury & Pain

Eliminate pain in your bones, muscles and joints so you can get back to your favourite activities, hobbies and sports.


E.g Arthritic bones, torn tendons, strained muscles.


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Lower Back & Neck Pain​

Helping you to eliminate backaches and neck pain reducing the risk of chronic migraines, headaches and expensive spinal surgeries.

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Helping you to manage your diabetes so you have the energy + vitality to live a complete life without the dreaded diabetes related fatigue.


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Asthma and COPD​

Reduce the risk of your asthma and COPD getting worse over time. We help you manage your coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath so you can live your life on your terms.


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Exercise poses as a medicine for cancer, research shows that people with cancer who exercise report milder and fewer side effects from treatment.


Exercise has been proven to help reduce side effects from cancer treatments.


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Depression And Anxiety

Exercise releases natural chemicals which makes us feel great, even though on some days you may not even feel like getting out of bed let alone exercise. Exercise is the healthiest form of treatment. Some days you may not feel like doing a whole lot or maybe even leaving the house, let alone exercise, but exercise releases forms of natural chemicals which is a natural way to treat depression and anxiety and leaves us feeling amazing and accomplished. 

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Loading your bones to build strength and give you the confidence to move and live life without fear. 

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Core and Pelvic Floor Strengthening​

Giving you more confidence with every movement, eliminating the risk of falls, instability and incontinence.


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Cardiovascular Disease​

Breaking the shackles of Cardiovascular disease so you can live without a heavy chest, shortness of breath and return to the activities you love and enjoy.


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Manage your weight in a way that is fun and easy, reducing your weight lowers the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer.


Reduce your weight to lower the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer in a fun and easy way.


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Falls Prevention and Balance​

Description – Reduce your likelihood of a nasty fall leading to Injury or surgery but improving your balance, Improving your balance helps you to gain confidence to move well without fear.


Reduce your likelihood of a nasty fall leading to Injury by improving your balance so you can move more confidently and without fear.


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Occupational Injury

Not being able to go to work due to injury often leads to financial struggles and risk of losing your job. We help you return to work sooner with full function so you can get back to work and earning an income again.


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Corey and Tegan Physiotherapy Hope Island and Mudgeeraba

Who is Studio X Phys for?

When it comes to your health there is nothing more important. We believe that your health is your health is your number one asset.

You may be thinking “I have tried everything and nothing has worked” or “I should have done something about this sooner”.

There is no need to worry, there is a solution and it doesn’t have to take forever, cost thousands of dollars and it’s actually a pleasant process.

Eliminating your chronic pain or managing your current condition will help you return to your favourite sport or hobby, have you running around with your kids again and help you live an energy-enriched quality of life.

We would like to invite you to book an initial discovery consultation at Studio X Phys to help us understand your needs and then share with you the roadmap toward a brighter tomorrow.

Click the button to book your Initial Discovery consultation now

30,000+ Treatments

Frequently Asked Questions

Do You Have HICAPS​?

Yes, we have a HICAPS machine at the clinic, so bring your private health fund card and we can swipe it for instant rebates. Note: To claim on the spot health rebates, you must present your health insurance card at the time of payment. Alternatively, an invoice can be issued to allow for self-claiming through your private health provider.

Are You Open On Public Holidays?​

We are not, most find it hard to commit to an appointment on public holidays.

What Should I Bring?​

Please bring any referrals/paperwork (relevant for Return to Work, Chronic Disease Management plans, DVA or NDIS claims) and recent blood test results. If you can record everything you eat for 1 regular day (1 day food diary) that would be helpful too.

Do You Accept Return to Work / DVA / NDIS & CTP Claims?​

Yes. We accept all Return to Work (Work Cover), DVA, NDIS and CTP claims. Note: Please call to arrange your Return to Work/ DVA/ CTP/ NDIS appointment. We do ask that you bring all the appropriate paperwork on your initial consultation to ensure there is no delay in treatment and management.


If we have not answered the question you have, please call our friendly staff on (07) 5522 9577.

What Is the Difference Between an Exercise Physiologist & a Physiotherapist? ​​

The Main Difference is the conditions they treat and the treatment style.


An Exercise Physiologist will see people with chronic conditions or long standing pain or injury (over 6 months) (e.g Diabetes, Heart Condition, long standing knee pain). A Physiotherapist will generally see someone with a condition or injury that has occurred in the last 3 months or has had a recent flare up (e.g lower back spasm, torn tendon).


An Exercise Physiologist treats with Exercise and Movement prescription which can involve muscle activation, strengthening, flexibility and self release techniques. A Physiotherapist treats with a combination of Hands on Treatment and movement.

What Is Your Cancellation Policy?​

As we run a popular clinic, we need at least 24 hours notice, so that your appointment slot can be given to someone on the waiting list. If you cancel with less than 24 hours notice, you may be charged a late cancellation fee.

How Long Are The Appointments​?

Initial & Subsequent appointments are 30 minutes. Longer appointments are available if arranged prior to your consultation.

How Many Consultations Do I Need?​

At Studio X Phys we strive to get you back to full health and activity in as little treatments as possible, and as such, the number of consults required will be based on the advice of your Expert Physiotherapist.

Will I Be Given Exercises To Do?​

You will be given a series of exercises (movements) in order to speed up your recovery and prevent recurrence of the injury. All exercises are trialled within your consultation to ensure they are appropriate for you at that time. This may consist of strengthening and/or stretching exercises appropriate for the rehabilitation of your pain or injury. As some injuries or pains are ongoing or have been present for months or even years, home exercises allow for improvement to continue further between physiotherapy appointments. The more recovery we can produce at home, the less you will need to see us in the clinic!

Which Suburbs Do You Treat Patients From?

We treat clients in a range of suburbs and towns around Mudgeeraba & Hope Island.

Medicare | StudioXPhys Physio Hope Island, Mudgeeraba
Hicaps | StudioXPhys Physio Hope Island, Mudgeeraba
Wrorkcover | StudioXPhys Physio Hope Island, Mudgeeraba
NDIS | StudioXPhys Physio Hope Island, Mudgeeraba
Bupa | StudioXPhys Physio Hope Island, Mudgeeraba
Medibank | StudioXPhys Physio Hope Island, Mudgeeraba
HCF | StudioXPhys Physio Hope Island, Mudgeeraba
AHM | StudioXPhys Physio Hope Island, Mudgeeraba

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Can't find a time that suits? That's OK. Call us and we can help you.