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Why Is My Back Sore? How to Treat Back Pain Without Medication

Why Is My Back Sore?

Why is my back sore? A question we are all familiar with. Am I right?

Most of us at some point in our lives will suffer from a sore back.

In fact,

Lower Back Pain is a musculoskeletal condition that will affect 70-80% of people at some stage throughout their lifetime.

Of the people that suffer from lower back pain, 85% of cases are non-specific which means we do not know why it occurs.

You will ask yourself things like, why is my back sore?

Saying to others… I have had a really sore back lately.

Did you know:

Musculoskeletal Conditions account for more pain and disability than any other medical condition.

Lower Back Pain is a musculoskeletal condition that will affect 70-80% of people at some stage throughout their lifetime. Of the people that suffer from lower back pain, 85% of cases are non-specific which means we do not know why it occurs.

The Risk factors for non-specific lower back pain are:

  • Occupation (posture/hazards/conditions at work)
  • Pregnancy
  • Genetics
  • Acute injury

Lower Back pain has the so-called “ups and downs” where the pain will be more prominent and then settle and this can be repetitive. These ups and downs will cause weakening of the deep spinal stabilisers which do not automatically recover once the pain goes away.

What you need to do,

  • Keep moving – contrary to the popular belief that you need to rest as this will actually lead to a longer period of recovery. Moving will increase blood flow and promote recovery as long as it does not increase pain
  • Complete isometric exercises that strengthen your deep spinal muscles. Complimentary strengthening of your Transverse Abdominis and Multifidus muscles will also help support your lumbar spine.
  • Become more active to maintain general health and fitness. This will prevent future back episodes

Long-Term Back Pain can lead to avoidance, restricted movement and consequently time off work. The best course of action is to see an Accredited Exercise Physiologist or Physiotherapist who can use their extensive knowledge to create a program tailor made for your back pain and help your stay active.

Written by,

Tegan McKenna

Exercise Physiologist

Back Pain StudioXphys Gold Coast
Tegan McKenna helping her client increase core strength in order to reduce back pain.


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